
A HUGE UPDATE, Remaking The World of Oblivion | SKYBLIVION Development Diary #4

8 Просмотры· 07/07/23
5 Подписчики

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim left a big impression on us in 2011. With our Oblivion remaster we try to inspire a similar feeling of awe when exploring the world and everything it has to offer.

With that said, welcome to: The Making of SKYBLIVION.
If you feel you can help contribute to this project we would love to have you on the team, please visit our website to apply: https://www.skyblivion.com/volunteer/
If you are a fan of the project and you want to help any other way please share our video where you can, you might just reach someone that will help us finish this monster of a project sooner.

Content creators and journalists can visit this link for screenshots, logo’s and general information about the project: https://skyblivion.com/press-kit/

Thank you for all the love and support ~Your Skyblivion Team

Website: https://skyblivion.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Skyblivion/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TESRSkyblivion
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyblivion/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tesrskyblivion
DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/skyblivion
VK: https://vk.com/skyblivion

VOLUNTEER: https://www.skyblivion.com/volunteer/

For behind the scenes development streams check out our Twitch team: https://www.twitch.tv/team/theadventurers


00:00 - Intro
01:46 - Goblins
04:26 - 3D
06:30 - Clothing
07:26 - Daedric Artefacts
10:35 - Bruma
13:55 - Outro

Video production by HeavyBurns: https://www.youtube.com/c/HeavyBurns/ and https://www.youtube.com/c/SgtGimlinho

Narrated by Ryan Cooper: https://ryjoco.co.uk/

Written by K Rebel: https://twitter.com/Rebelzize

Music by Markus Zierhofer, Fredrik Jonasson and Marius Schlichting

Special thanks to:
3Amt, Roodley, Ac1Nerdy, Aceeq, AdamDanby, Aerisarn, Albertocariati, Alexandre, Ali, Alice ,Alysseras, Utopia, Anathlyst, AndreDe, Any, Anleus, Anna Khudorenko, Ansontan, axxamo, Bec, Benjamin Marsalet, Benzil, BMT, Berji!, Borx25, Børk, buddlite, Bunny, bustafooligan, Børk, cameron.hillman, Carot, ClearanceClarence, ClefJ, Cooleoj, Cotozic, Crimmyson, Cynthia, DarkOdin, Dave28293, Dee Keyes, Default, dimitriskart, Doigsong, Domi, Deisabri, Edhildil, Eferas, Elemental, Emurphy, Enrico Camerra, Eric, Falkon, Fishfeind, Fittedmushroom, Fredrik Jonasson, Flrarescale, FrostyDudess, Fury_On, Gees, Greavesy, Grimly, Halldora, Harrock, HeartAttackMan, HeavyBurns, HeirOfTheSeptims/Tyrobag, Heryakriin, Hieronymus7Z, Hinimoto, hug.ham, iDamian, India-Lee, Isaac, ixShadowxi, Jadkai, JamsCB, Janie, Jeb, JPRAS, Kazuhide, Kettlewitch, Klime65536, Kremenchuk, knecksewn, kotsya, Krieger, KSpace, Lebiro, Liam, Lindsay Chambers, LordGrievous, LostJak, Marcovaz, , Marius S, Markus, Martimius, Mathy, Matseffect, Mayestixx, Melesina, MikeSmith, MistValkyr, mmccarthy4, monocleus, MossyBeard, Msk, NamicUK, Natterforme, Neopatogen, Nexos, Nick, Noimi, Nukem, Olly, oracus0, PeculiarPerson, PenTraDoXx, Qwafeem rejoolan (Антон), ReltivlyObjectv, Remiros, Rob, Richard, RomanDubina, Rose, Roy12oy, Rown47, RPGRobot, ScarecroOw, Seoli, Shadow, sheson, shpek, Shumonkey, SilverSheo, Sirius, Solt, son6of6tredis, Spyros, , Stayd, Sync_67, Sythgara, Tate Taylor, Thea_Opes, TheLootist, Tobikubi, Tyber, Vitaly, Warbird, Weekend, wessleym, Willybach, WineDave, Woni, Xreasler, xXJustDaveXx, Yazza, Yeeb, YenSL, Yogensia, Zilav, zkh

Subtitle credits:
Chinese(Taiwan) - Plazehorta
Spanish - Victoria Volkihar
Portuguese - NeoThomas
French - Leco

#skyrim #oblivion #elderscrolls

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