Bushman Prank: Socially Lazy 2024!!
What up Bush Fam!! I am BACK with another funny video!! Thank you for coming back!! Or if it's your first time, welcome to my channel!! Glad to have you whether it's for a short time or a long time. You are appreciated!!
What up yall!! Like the new suits? Tried to get creative and went with a purple vibe. Hit or miss? I told Eric this was his best edit. Was I lying? Regardless I hope everyone enjoys this video and thank you to the people in it!! Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their week! Thanks again Jeff, and San Antonio Chamber of Commerce for my Challenge coin!! That actually made my day. Thank you!!
Smart vs intelligent.
The time is currently 6:44am cst and I am sitting here wondering, what does it mean to be smart or intelligent? Is it the same thing? Can you be both or only one at a time? Can I make a dumb decision that is intelligent? Or vice versa? Is this a smart conversation? Does anyone care if you are smart or intelligent? Does smart pay the bills or do you need to be intelligent? When your car breaks down and your down to your last or maybe even over drafted a smart person may want to take action to correct a negative situation. An intelligent person would may try and avoid being put in that situation all together at all costs. That's what I think anyway.
To me a smart person is someone who has a good memory but doesn't think to far out of the box. An intelligent person is someone that is able to reason and comprehend with the totality of why the damn box matters in the first place. There is always a reason. If you never ask how or why then congratulations you played yourself, and are now stuck in the box like most schools have taught you. "Don't talk back, don't question me, stay in line, be afraid of anything different". It's a pipeline that I imagine at some point may have worked but I think it's a little broken.
Random: I also think laughter can be a decision you make with yourself to counter crying. Remember, what makes you laugh can also make you cry. Be intentional with your happiness.
Random pt2: Weird times we are living in but I will forever be Hopeful for better days for ALL
Random pt 3: I'm learning to NEVER argue on social media. Or in life in general. Why Am I wasting my energy trying to change someones mind who is equally as determined not to change. Rather focus my energy in areas that align with my life. Plus how crazy is it to assume my viewpoint is absolute and everyone NEEDS to hear it RIGHT NOW lol..its ridiculous
Random pt 4: Go listen to "Tems - Free Mind" on repeat. You are welcome
Random pt 5: I miss old school Love songs, I hope newer artist go back and listen to the oldies and start getting inspired.
Random pt 6: Not everything is content
Random pt 7: I should have started Keto diet years ago. I recently ate a fast food cheat meal and wanted to throw up since my body is so used to salads, fruits, and tree nuts..pause.
Random pt 8: I really HATE hypocrisy, maybe because I can be a hypocrite, but I am glad I have the ability to recognize when I am being hypocritical.
Random pt 9: Im pretty confident but I wish I had the confidence to be LOUD and WRONG like some people lol
Last Random: "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends" -Dr Martin Luther King Jr
Last Last Random: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel" Ms. Maya Angelou
Thank you to everyone that read this far. I actually look forward to writing these descriptions now. Not to sway anyones opinions but a behind the scenes of whats currently on my mind. That's it, that's all
Until next time..
Choose Happiness
Editor: Eric Wiley https://www.facebook.com/honkytonktaxi
Theme Song: Montel Moore https://www.montelmusic.com
Hope, Purpose, Opportunities, Persistence & Determination
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