
Fantasy Emotional Music - Reverie

2 Просмотры· 07/07/23
5 Подписчики

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Song: Reverie
Album: ...
Year: 2016
Copyright © BrunuhVille

Hey everyone!
Here's a new song late this month called "Reverie".
In musical terms a Reverie can be described as "an instrumental piece suggesting a dreamy or musing state". It brings harmony , peace and a sense of fulfillness in the end.

●Important note: Earlier this weekend while I was finishing this piece my computer hard drive just stopped working. While I am still in the process of trying to get my stuff back there's a big chance that my data won't be recoverable at all. There's a full year of work in there, pretty much all my new songs for the next release.
On a personal note: I am extremely lazy. Every normal people would've backed up their work to avoid this situations but, while I did copies of some things, there's others I didn't back up and I feel like an idiot now cause I am one.
There are so many of you waiting for the release of my new songs and new album and I just wasn't careful enough to put everything safe to avoid this situation. It's those things that you know it will happen sooner or later, you just don't know when.

By the time I am writing this post the techs are still working to see if my data is recoverable and fingers crossed that they will be able to keep at least something. This particular song isn't 100% finished. There were a few tweaks that I was going to do before everything went south but I decided to upload it anyway because I don't feel like it's a bad song in anyway and I know lot of you will still enjoy it. Also I haven't uploaded in a while and I really wanted to put something out now so I can fix my stuff without having to worry about uploading in the next week or two.

With all this said I just want to apologize to everyone who's always waiting impatiently for new songs while expecting the best quality and it troubles me knowing that I can do much better and right now I can't because of my laziness and stupidity. I let myself down and most importantly I let everyone else who appreciates my work down.

We all do mistakes and we all learn from them. And remember: always back up your important stuff.

Amazing wallpaper by T1na:
DeviantArt: http://t1na.deviantart.com/
Thanks for all your support , rating the video,add to your favs and leaving a comment
is always appreciated and helps me a lot.

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